Itty-Bitty & Oh So Pretty!
In 2022, I became a pottery student, learning to transform a ball of clay on the wheel into something useful - a small pinch plate, a bowl or something else. I had just launched the Kickstarter for my next cookbook, Masaleydaar, and decided to make things for my cookbook. Each week I spent more than 20-25 hours hunched over a wheel, trying to get everything to make sense, to center, to spin and not go off the wheel.
And then, after a few weeks of focus and concentration, I began to 'get it'. I'm still working out some issues of fear, trying to make tall things, but I'm getting more confident of making flat, small things that I can put to use nearly daily. They are all thrown on the wheel (no hand-building short-cuts here).
These bowls and dishes are going to be part of my next cookbook, Masaleydaar. They will hold and showoff many of the spices and dishes, and as time progresses, they will be available for sale.
If you love something you see here, and simply must have it now, email me: I'll send you more details (size, price & shipping). Small bitty bowls and dishes start at $10, a bowl (4") is $15, and 6" plates are $20.
If you love this, you'll find more of my process videos and such on my instagram: